Thursday, July 24, 2008

World of Warcraft: the Wrath of the Lich King

Hello people. I used to play WoW for 2 years and damn, it stole away my life. I quit WoW last year because because of that as it was so addicitive. Some parts of the world even pay people to play WoW to gather gold in the game. Then they trade the gold in ebay for real money. Anyways, I am just wondering how many Bruneians still playing WOW...The new expansion pack is coming out soon. It is called The Wrath of the Lich King.

In this new expansion pack, there will be the first hero class called "Death Knight" where you can change one of your characters per realm into this hero class at level 55. It is pretty cool class to play because this class can tank or dps as well. Imagine tanking without using shield. That is so cool. Other new stuffs in this new expansion are level cap raised to 80, new profession, destroyable buildings, new quests, new dungeon, new land and more...

For more info, check the official WOW website


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